Lush from Rufous Press is now also available at Amazon. To purchase a copy from Amazon click right here. Lush is a lovely collection of poetry and prose. The best publication from Rufous Press, according to its editors.
poem for after the spring equinox 2025
* The Grand Minima*
*(7 x 6)*
*for William Empson*
Totting it up a plethora of minuscule
debris fields, eon by inch,
the daily granular fractures,
Lesson Unspoken
Lesson Unspoken
1950s children were to be seen and not heard, and on occasion it was
preferable not to be seen either because if you were in sight yo...
Alice (short story)
“You’re not Alice,” he said as they walked along the shore.
She looked up, surprised.
“No, I’m Katrine,” she replied, giving him a look that clearly s...
You are safe
Can you feel the hand that is holding you,
close your eyes, feel your breath, feel the light
that’s within you, yes, within.
When the gentle gian...
Reading Peter Schjeldahl Peter Schjeldahl builds paragraphs. Possibly no
other critic now writing in English has such a strong sense of what that
unit of...
Hello, my love
As crazy as it seems, I have a new website. It’s simple, it’s streamlined,
and it’s now the home of my writing and blogging activities. As of this
Thirty-Eight by Jack Coey
Thirty-Eight by Jack Coey He worked at the supermarket unloading trucks,
and moved out of his mother’s house three months ago. He rented a one-room
The Language of Sunset
The language of sunset describes hieroglyphs of light
which, wisely, the palm fronds ignore. Watched from
a distance on high, through grey aluminum uprights
"The Promise of the Child" by Tom Toner
The Promise of the Child by Tom Toner
*Gollancz* ISBN 978-1-473-21137-7
“Give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man,” was
Helpmeet by Lola Babalola
The question is, are marriages made in heaven?
When you pick up the papers to read, you are fed with stories and pictures
of m...
HERE IT IS! My Big Sparkly Book 8 News!
*I have been waiting to share this with you for so long - and now the time
has finally come!*
My eighth novel will be called *SE...
*Joan Leslie Rawson (Nee Godwin) R I P*
Joan, I didn’t think your leaving would matter at all.
It’s been so long since we last communicated.
You were alway...
Live Poetry This Week
A few live poetry events for this week, across the UK:Thursday: In Bath, at
the BRLSI, Rebecca Goss and Jackie Wills, 8pm start.... Thursday: London's
That's My King Dr. S.M. Lockridge - [OFFICIAL]
*That’s My King*
The Bible says
He’s the King of the Jews
He’s the King of Israel
He’s the King of Righteousness
He’s the King of the Ages
He’s the King of...
A poem for my Grandma
My dinners over Grandma’s,
banquets fit for royalty.
My plates piled high, food scrapes the sky,
she really spoils me!
Then after tea, five-year-old me
on hiatus
I haven't posted here since January, so I'm putting this blog in stasis.
Most of my time is devoted to writing and I'm posting about that at A
Moving Line,...
Glamorgan MPhil & Free Story
Not one of the chosen 8 for the writing MPhil at Glamorgan, but asked if I
want to be on the shortlist if someone drops out. Certainly!
A short environment...
March of the Ego
I’d already walked past her three times today. Well six, but I’m pretty
sure she looked at me around the third time I think.
You know, the look.
Time to app...
Blocking the Writer's Block
Just recently came out of a bought of major writer's's been
happening a lot lately, probably because I've had issues with work and my
romantic ...
The Bird Sanctuary - Meet Bert
*Early on a frosty October morning, Laura September - owner of September’s
and Nessa’s boss - lifts the latch on the door to the terrace garden and
The Mitfords - Letters Between Six Sisters
I’ve just finished reading ‘The Mitfords.’ Usually I can read a book within
a week but this mammoth one took nearly two months – without any other book