fosebooks proudly presents the fantastic fosebook smokestack eBook. This is an exciting, thoughtful and dense book consisting of photography and poetry with an edge. A thin volume that weighs a ton. The focus is on the urban, the industrial, the bluesy and the beat-ish, with a variety of different styles. It's a free download!
There will hopefully also be a paperback version available at Lulu for $8.06. All revenues will go to WWF, which gives you yet another reason (among many) to buy it.
Included in fosebook smokestack is photography from J.B. Krost and poetry from Megan Duffy, Anders Enochsson, Jenny Enochsson, Peter Greene, Francis Scudellari and A’keith Walters.
Check out this brilliant book!
The Editors (Ande, Francis, Jenny)
poem for after the spring equinox 2025
* The Grand Minima*
*(7 x 6)*
*for William Empson*
Totting it up a plethora of minuscule
debris fields, eon by inch,
the daily granular fractures,
4 days ago