Picture this: 200 acres of the Texas Hill Country, scrub cedar, a previous life of more than seventy years spent in the downtown heart of San Antonio, and goats, dogs, …and more goats that behave like adorable dogs, …and then throw in the wit of Erma Bombeck, and you have a great, hilarious, heart-tugging odyssey of a couple of retired executives, as told by June Reedy in her book Goat Diary.
It has been a long time since I have been so entertained by so many pages of wit and charm about something so improbable as goat ranching. Ms. Reedy goes above and beyond with her words to hold her reader awake late at night or left sitting at the breakfast table late for work.
This Goat Diary should be purchased and read and recommended to friends and coveted with a special spot on your bookshelf. It will leave you laughing with a warm smile pulling on your lips as you fall asleep, walk your dog, or when just sitting in front of your television.
Goat Diary by June Reedy
Available at amazon.com, barnesandnoble.com, or directly from the author herself at gaotdiary@gmail.com.
*David Lynch* has died. Perhaps the last time an American death of a
cultural icon was so massive was the loss of *Warhol*. This blog is of the
opinion t...
3 days ago